My name is Fred Fontaine, and I’m looking for your vote as your State Representative for District-11
As a small business owner and community leader, I have worked both in and out of politics to help make
Brockton the best that it can be. That’s why I’m running for State Representative, because we deserve leaders who
care more about education, Infrastructure and Public Safety. Someone who understands the roles and challenges small businesses face, and how they can be uplifted to support the community. A leader who will listen and consider the voices of the community to decide what’s best for them.
If you want a better Brockton, vote for Fred Fontaine on Tuesday September 3rd 2024.

I believe that every family and member of this community deserve to live in a place where everyone is welcome, valued, respected while simultaneously living a safe, happy, healthy, and prosperous life, irrespective of their background, place of birth, skin color, or their status.
- Fred Fontaine